Sunday, July 6, 2014

Resolutions to Make Your PC Safe and Secure

Every day you need to work on your system. When you get tired, you should genuinely give one glance at your system. The way you need to take a break to rejuvenate your mind, your system does as well (even though not as frequently as you do). But what you end up doing is to keep on postponing the maintenance part that can lead to heavy monetary attention in the form of computer repair if not kept in checked.
It is time to make a new resolution!

It is time to pay attention to your system, regardless of the work pressure you and your PC have to endure!
Start with:

1.      Physical Cleaning

The need of this one often gets neglected, which leads to piling up loads of dirt on various important components of a PC or laptop. The only thing needed is brush and a screwdriver to loosen up the screw-bolts to get enough space for cleaning. (However, the inexperience people should be weary of performing this task immediately after reading this post, because chances of opening wrong screw are high).

2.    PC optimization

Second on the list is a routine job like the others. You need to remove unnecessary clutter from your system, accumulated in the form of junk files (temporary and duplicated), useless shortcut of the software you used ages ago, browser history and downloaded files that are of no consequence lying in your hard drive, and overflowing registry.

3.   Anti-Virus installation and routine scanning

Regularly take care of the security features you introduced in your system, like firewall and anti-malware. These two are the key ingredients that contribute to keeping your system away from the dirty activities of malware and black-hat hacker. Keep the firewall feature on by default, and schedule your antivirus for routine scan and virus removal. Whenever something fishy tries to make and entry, the action can be prevented effectively at the very initial stage.

4.    OS / driver / browser / other software update

The last thing that is in your hand to keep your system in the best shape is to keep it updated, be it any software you work with. This will give you the optimum functionality from your system, and you won’t face any difficulty while operating your system.

If you are unsure of doing everything on your own, there are experts available who can help you with the tasks of keeping your system in top shape. Online technical support providers like Click4Support can help you even at the odd hours of the day (that includes night!).

Time for taking a resolution in favor of your computers!

Author: R Smith

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