Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Solutions to improve data backup speed

As we all know backup systems are very important but sometimes they become a major source of headache. One of the biggest issues with any backup system is its slow performance and is often related to the efficiency of the backup software or capabilities of the backup hardware.

The complete procedure of backing up the data can be compared to a pipeline of varying sizes, containing data to the backup destination. If any of the sections in the pipe is blocked due to some problem, congestion thus created slows down the entire procedure. 

The idea here is to find out the reasons leading to congestion and providing data backup solutions to resolve the issues. Here are the probable reasons:

Speed mismatch:
If the system sends data too fast or too slow than the backup system can handle then this may create jam and the backup performance will suffer. Slow speed means you are not getting maximum throughput. So try to send data according to the speed required.

Insufficient memory and lack of free hard disk space needed to back up the data may also lead to slow speed, affecting performance in general. .  Just make sure that the amount of memory consumed by a program when it starts should be released at the end; this data backup strategy will definitely help you.

The total number of files and its size has a major impact on the backup performance. With few large files the speed of backing up will be high whereas the speed will be low if there are thousands of small files. Also backing up the files located in the same directory is more efficient than those files in multiple directory locations.

Check Firmware:
Check your firmware and make sure you have the suitable ones on your system. That means you should have the latest version of it but not always. Sometimes the backup performance becomes worst with a new version of firmware; so, in such situation better switch on to the older version and see if the performance improves.
Analyzing the above issues you may frame a solution for improving the performance of data backup.

1 comment:

  1. Nice article on improving data backup speed. Some point which this article discuss like Memory, files, check Firmware are really the reason for slowing your data backup speed if not used proper. Thanks for a great article looking forward for more.
