Thursday, May 22, 2014

The Forgotten Four- 4 Constantly Declining Technologies!

When we wait for something exceptional, it never occurs and suddenly you get the surprise of your life. The same is the case with technology.
The more you wait, the more time it takes. This seems to be happening more in the wake of the super-fast technological advancement. The faster it gets, the slower it appears to the people who have developed impatience being in the habit of seeing newer gadgets every now and then. 
In the process it makes the other gadgets (or service) obsolete, or redundant. Let’s have a look on some of them.

1. Cell phones with keys (Qwerty or otherwise)

This could be taken as the perfect example of love for more and better features and not of simplicity. The smartphones are now ‘smart’ because they let people do many things at a time and allow them the thrill of a maze.

Communication is made easy, but challenging apps are enjoyed with a touch. Who would want to run with the use of arrow keys now when it could be done with the tip of the finger.

2. Message Cards for Cell Phones

We all love to send small comments throughout the day, like when we are in between a meeting, or while taking lunch or dinner, and many such instances. But we are not doing this the SMS way anymore, are we? They are replaced by apps like What’s App, WeChat, FB Chat, etc.

For the more aesthetic lot, Apple’s iMessages, can do the expected job and more of it. So, no more outdated messaging solution!

3. CDs and CD Players

Once upon a time there was a disk (of course round in shape) called as CD which used to store data, mainly songs and movies. Now, it is seen even more sparingly than ever and seems to get extinct just like its eldest brother Floppy Disk.

Most of its job is done by Flash Drives (that too in cute shapes, not the boring round). And if the song/ movies are to be played, MP3, tablets, iPod, etc can do the job. Who wants to carry those ‘round’ and vulnerable carriers of digital data?

4. Conventional cameras

Don’t you enjoy clicking (and sharing) pictures with your 5 or more megapixels camera, included in your smartphone, giving great output from (and that you carry all the time!)? We all do, and this is what making the conventional cameras die at a faster pace than ever.

Remember, it is not ‘the fancy’ DSLR cameras we are talking about (with God-knows-how-many advanced picture-clicking and editing features). Their professionals use won’t let them die. The same, however could not be said of the standard cameras. 

1 comment:

  1. Great Job!! I am so happy to found a such types of blog and also impressed by your writing style about technologies. I would like to say thanks for sharing a wonderful blog with all of us :)
