Many times, you as a business must have wondered if you
should outsource your technical support
to another company or not. There could be many scenarios in which the thought
might come across. However, the need is to analyze the business requirements
and then come to the decision- whether or not your customers should go to
someone else you hire to do your job of providing the technical support.
Consider the following points with respect to the subject
under discussion (In-house v/s Outsourced).
Total Cost of the Technical Support
If you are a business built on selling software products and
services, you need to take a calculated risk when you decide to do everything
on your own or hire the helping hand to do your job. Providing the technical
support from your end would mean that you hire technicians and train them
exhaustively, which is a cost with the chances to mount up. Doing this can take
away from your core competency of coming up with newer and better products,
making it a double loss. This is where companies like Click4Support can be hired.
When the Support Team
needs to be increased or decreased
Consider two cases. The first is when you get more customer
queries than your current team can handle. The second appears when agents wait
for calls and their hopes get answered once in a while. In both the cases,
there is an evident need of taking the burden off your heads and make someone
else responsible for that, as it is their job to allocate work (as a project)
to a flexible team.
Customer Engagement
When it comes to getting the true customer feedback and
reviews, outsourcing is not much of a help. They are doing their job for the
heck of doing it, and are really not bothered to actually listen to them, as you expect. You get the number of
queries attended, feedback received and issues resolved, but there is no way to
know that your customers are being listened to (unless it’s too late to act).
Value Deliverability
Technical support
outsourcing is not an option when your customers trust your brand for the
kind of support you as a business provide. You cannot expect from an outsource
company to walk an extra mile just as you do for your customers. The ‘Value’
aspect might go missing from the support they will provide on your behalf,
which is why many companies still prefer to develop in-house tech support.
Troubleshooting Manual for the Outsourced Job
When you think of outsourcing, it only means you ought to
compile your services and product and every possible hitches that might arise
(along with the process to troubleshoot it) into one Manual, which in itself is
a very demanding task. And even if you do, there are all the chances in the
world that a new problem comes and the outsourcing guy won’t know what to do, unlike
yourself who is familiar with all the aspects of the product and still might
give it a go.
With the above points to consider you can think of what is
best for your business- Outsourcing the technical expertise or not.
I am satisfied with your article. Actually whenever you call at any brand support center then you should wait for a ticket. That's why outsourcing is the best option for customer satisfaction.